Friday 24 May 2013

Spoilers, sweetie...!

I don't think I can remember the last time I was this happy to see a Friday! It's been an insanely busy week in work and with evenings spent bashing out corporate begging letters and status-bombing Facebook to generate some sponsorship it feels like I haven't stopped.  Things are really starting to move on the fundraising front now though so it's all been worthwhile, and we're going into the weekend feeling for the first time that maybe - maybe - we might be able to pull this crazy venture off after all.

Within a week and a half of setting up our JustGiving page we've raised a whopping £240, which is just fantastic.  I've been really touched by people's generosity - we've not had a huge number of donations as yet but some of the amounts have been pretty jaw-dropping and we're so grateful.  Hopefully it'll continue in the same vein; £240 is a cracking start but it's still only 3% of our target so we've a long old way to go yet.

Event planning is starting to come together too.  Plans are afoot for a series of quiz nights at local pubs and details will be published here as soon as we have confirmed dates.  And if you're in Chester town centre on 22nd June, be sure to keep an eye out for us - we've linked up with, whose singers will be entertaining Chester's shoppers on our behalf (weather permitting!) while we do the rounds with our big yellow Marie Curie collecting buckets.  If we're lucky we might even get a guest performance from local child actor/singer Charlotte Dowson - if you haven't seen her before you'll be amazed, she's definitely one to watch for the future!

There's another big event in the planning which we're super-excited about - I'm not allowed to say anything yet and it's killing me!  Believe me, though, it's frightfully good and you'll love it as much as we do; in fact, I'd go as far as to say that people will be dying to sign up!  (I might not be allowed to say anything but that doesn't mean I can't drop hints.)  Like our Facebook page at to stay up to date with the latest developments - you don't want to miss out on this one!!
- Jo x

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